Artwork for GOODFELLAS



En este podcast nos encanta el cine, pero hablaremos de lo que sea que queramos, una simple charla divertida para olvidarte de tus problemas y que te diviertas.

PublishesDailyEpisodes8Founded4 years ago
Film ReviewsTV & Film

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Artwork for GOODFELLAS

Latest Episodes

En este nuevo episodio estamos con nuestro primer invitado de esta temporada el gran ALEJANDRO MERAZ que tiene un gran conocimiento del mundo de Star Wars y es un gran amigo nuestro. more

3 years ago

En este nuevo episodio, cambiaremos un poco de aires y platicaremos sobre cómo es que el FC BARCELONA, pasó de ser el equipo más prestigioso y respetado de EUROPA, a ser uno de los equipos a los que más burla le hacen en los últimos años.

3 years ago

En el episodio de hoy les traemos una noticia de un acontecimiento histórico en la bolsa de valores, cómo se armó la guerra entre el inversionista individual y los fondos de inversión, un suceso que incluye a empresas como NOKIA, BLACKBERRY, GAMESTOP... more

3 years ago

En este nuevo episodio ya mejoramos el audio y hablamos sobre algunos temas de los que ya se está hablando dentro del mundo de Star Wars, esperemos que les guste. DISFRÚTENLO!!!!

3 years ago

En este cuarto episodio vamos a platicar sobre todo el genero de las películas románticas, hablaremos sobre lo bueno, lo malo y también platicaremos sobre varias películas en particular y algunas de nuestras favoritas.

4 years ago

En este tercer capitulo te hablaremos de varias cosas que puedes hacer durante el encierro de la cuarentena con el objetivo de que seas productivo y encuentres actividades que hacer.

4 years ago

En este segundo episodio estaremos platicando sobre el COVID-19 en Mexico, sobre lo que se ha estado diciendo en los últimos días y demás curiosidades.

4 years ago

En este primer episodio cada uno de nosotros te vamos a recomendar de forma rápida una serie o película para que puedas ver en la cuarentena

4 years ago


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Frequently Asked Questions About GOODFELLAS

Where can I find podcast stats for GOODFELLAS?

Rephonic provides a wide range of data for three million podcasts so you can understand how popular each one is. See how many people listen to GOODFELLAS and access YouTube viewership numbers, download stats, chart rankings, ratings and more.

Simply upgrade your account and use these figures to decide if the show is worth pitching as a guest or sponsor.

How do I find the number of podcast views for GOODFELLAS?

There are two ways to find viewership numbers for podcasts on YouTube. First, you can search for the show on the channel and if it has an account, scroll through the videos to see how many views it gets per episode.

Rephonic also pulls the total number of views for each podcast we find a YouTube account for. You can access these figures by upgrading your account and looking at a show's social media section.

How do I find listening figures for GOODFELLAS?

Podcast streaming numbers or 'plays' are notoriously tricky to find. Fortunately, Rephonic provides estimated listener figures for GOODFELLAS and three million other podcasts in our database.

To check these stats and get a feel for the show's audience size, you'll need to upgrade your account.

How many subscribers does GOODFELLAS have?

To see how many followers or subscribers GOODFELLAS has, simply upgrade your account. You'll find a whole host of extra information to help you decide whether appearing as a sponsor or guest on this podcast is right for you or your business.

If it's not, use the search tool to find other podcasts with subscriber numbers that match what you're looking for.

How many listeners does GOODFELLAS get?

Rephonic provides a full set of podcast information for three million podcasts, including the number of listeners. You can see some of this data for free. But you will need to upgrade your account to access premium data.

How many episodes of GOODFELLAS are there?

GOODFELLAS launched 4 years ago and published 8 episodes to date. You can find more information about this podcast including rankings, audience demographics and engagement in our podcast database.

How do I contact GOODFELLAS?

Our systems regularly scour the web to find email addresses and social media links for this podcast. But in the unlikely event that you can't find what you're looking for, our concierge service lets you request our research team to source better contact information for you.

Where do you get podcast emails for GOODFELLAS from?

Our systems scan a variety of public sources including the podcast's official website, RSS feed, and email databases to provide you with a trustworthy source of podcast contact information. We also have our own research team on-hand to manually find email addresses if you can't find exactly what you're looking for.

Where does Rephonic collect GOODFELLAS reviews from?

Rephonic pulls reviews for GOODFELLAS from multiple sources, including Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Addict and more.

View all the reviews in one place instead of visiting each platform individually and use this information to decide whether this podcast is worth pitching as a guest or sponsor.

How does Rephonic know which podcasts are like GOODFELLAS?

You can view podcasts similar to GOODFELLAS by exploring Rephonic's 3D interactive graph. This tool uses the data displayed on the 'Listeners Also Subscribed To' section of Apple Podcasts to visualise connections between shows.