
Pitch podcasts successfully and get your message out

Everything you need to find and pitch the right podcasts and grow your audience or customer base.
Send pitches to multiple podcasts.

Pitch more effectively

To pitch podcasts effectively, it's essential to research them thoroughly to make sure you're a good match, ensure you have the right contact information, and keep track of pitches and responses.

Rephonic makes all of this easy. We provide you with everything you need to stay organised, save time, and ace your next podcast campaign.

New customers and subscribers gained from getting featured on podcasts.

How to pitch a podcast with Rephonic

Find podcasts in any niche

Access over three million shows and quickly find the ones that cover the subjects most important to you.

Search our podcast database for a specific topic to see a full list of relevant shows. Set up email alerts to know when an episode is discussing your keywords.

Create a target list of podcasts

Build a target list of shows for each of your outreach campaigns. Lists are always up-to-date with the latest podcast data and contacts.

Create a dynamic list from any set of search results. Use them to find more leads as soon as new shows fit the same criteria. Keep on top of the constantly evolving podcast landscape.

Target list of Real Estate podcasts on Rephonic.

Let us find you the best podcast emails

Can't see any good contacts listed on our database for a specific podcast? Request the concierge service and our team of researchers will find you the best and most up-to-date contact information.

Save yourself hours of research time every week and focus on what you do best.

Better podcast contact information with Rephonic's concierge service.

Speed up your outreach with the pitch editor

Rephonic makes pitch craft effortless. Choose from a range of winning templates or add your own and customize it for each podcast.

Templates can be used by your whole team to boost efficiency. Send well-crafted pitches from your own email account or CRM in a couple of clicks.

Pitching wizard

Keep track of prospects with the pipeline manager

Stay on top of your pitching workflow by updating the pipeline stage for each podcast in your campaign.

Collaborate with your team on the same pipeline and keep everyone in the loop.

Pipeline manager

Add notes to podcasts

Whether you're working alone or in a team, it can be useful to add notes to a podcast.

Use notes to keep track of shows that you have already pitched, or to add bits of proprietary information that you may have learned directly from the host.

When you or one of your team members adds a note to a podcast it will appear on the home screen so everyone is aligned.

Notes for The Minimalists podcast on Rephonic.

Export your data and take it anywhere

Export any list as a CSV file and download it to your computer. Exports include podcast emails, social media accounts, listener numbers and lots more.

Import the file into Excel, Google Sheets, your CRM or other software to speed up your podcast pitching.

Podcast data exported as a CSV file from Rephonic.

Discover what else Rephonic can do

Quickly get featured on podcasts with our all-in-one tool.

Listener Data

Listener Numbers
Gender Skew
Audience Location

Podcast Information

Contact Info
Related Shows
Chart Rankings
Social Links

Everything you need for podcast outreach and research

Rephonic reveals valuable podcast data so you can pitch the right shows and maximize opportunities.

Guest Appearances

Discover relevant podcasts, reach out and get booked. Get your message out to the right listeners.

PR for Clients

Find podcast PR opportunities for your clients with our podcast media database. Get more bookings.


Grow your audience by researching the most relevant shows to partner with and cross-promote.


Advertise your business by discovering the top podcasts in your industry that share your target audience.

Start pitching smarter today

Access listener numbers and contact info for any podcast.
Try it free for 7 days

Get tips on how to pitch podcasts

Writing down podcast pitch ideas

How to Pitch a Podcast: Step-by-Step Guide

When it comes to knowing how to pitch a podcast, there are three golden rules: research and prepare, pitch value and follow up. Here's how they work.
Read more
A Successful Podcast

Six Simple Ways to Tell if a Podcast is Successful

We examine how Google Trends, chart rankings and Rephonic's data can help you to determine if a podcast is successful or not.
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How do I pitch a podcast?

Pitching a podcast as a guest or sponsor follows a simple process. First, make sure you conduct in-depth research into the podcast you are thinking about reaching out to so you know you are a good fit.

Draft a concise outreach email that introduces who you are and showcases the expertise or the relevance of your business to the podcast's audience. Make sure you have the right contact information to send your email and keep track of responses. All of this can be done with Rephonic.

Is the concierge service included in every subscription plan?

The concierge service is available on both the Standard and Business plans, with additional credits available on the higher plan. Each time you or your team asks us to research contacts for a podcast, you will use one credit. You can check your monthly usage at any time.

How do you pitch yourself for a podcast?

Follow them on social media and subscribe to their podcast so you can get up-to-date with their content and see if you're aligned. Draft up an outreach email that mentions specific podcast episodes and bring some ideas to the table about what you'd like the interview to cover. Don't forget to highlight your expertise.

How do I write a podcast pitch?

There are a few things to think about when writing the perfect podcast pitch. First of all the content needs to be high quality and straight to the point. Include your ideas for interview topics that are based on your expertise and the type of things the host talks about (you'll need to do some research for this).

Make sure your email subject line is punchy and that the language you use is professional yet reflective of your personality. Check for spelling and punctuation mistakes before hitting send.