
Access listener demographics for three million podcasts

Search our database of 3m+ shows to see listener numbers and more so you can pitch the right opportunities.
Podcast listener numbers and demographics.

Make data-driven decisions

The podcasting industry is growing fast. One of the key metrics that you will use to decide whether a show is worth reaching out to is how many listeners it has.

Of course, you want to get your message out to the right audience as well. Rephonic's podcast database gives you all the data you need at the click of a button so you get on the right shows.

Collection of podcast artwork.

Let listener demographics inform you

Podcast listener numbers you can trust

It's now easy to find out how many listeners a podcast has. Identify the most impactful podcasts for your campaign.

Rephonic estimates the number of listeners per episode across the majority of active podcasts giving you a trustworthy, independent benchmark for podcast data.

Number of listeners per episode for Hidden Brain podcast.

Understand a podcast's gender skew

Rephonic's database provides you with an estimate of the proportion of male and female listeners for most podcasts.

Use this valuable information to see if it matches your target audience. The better aligned the audiences are, the better the opportunity to convert listeners into customers, followers or subscribers.

Podcast gender skew.

See how engaged a podcast's listeners are

We look at recent posts for each social media channel a podcast is using and calculate the average engagement rate percentage.

Use this score to pitch podcasts where the audience is more likely to take action, whether that be purchasing a product or service, subscribing to your podcast, or something else.

Podcast audience engagement rates.

Get your message out to listeners in the right location

You've used the topic search tool to find podcasts in your niche. Now use the advanced filters to narrow down the results to podcasts with an audience in the right country.

Don't waste time speaking to people who don't fit your target audience profile.

Primary audience location for three podcasts.

Discover what else Rephonic can do

Quickly get featured on podcasts with our all-in-one tool.

Podcast Information

Contact Info
Related Shows
Chart Rankings
Social Links

Pitch Planning Tools

Topic Search
Target Lists
Concierge Service

Everything you need for podcast outreach and research

Rephonic reveals valuable podcast data so you can pitch the right shows and maximize opportunities.

Guest Appearances

Discover relevant podcasts, reach out and get booked. Get your message out to the right listeners.

PR for Clients

Find podcast PR opportunities for your clients with our podcast media database. Get more bookings.


Grow your audience by researching the most relevant shows to partner with and cross-promote.


Advertise your business by discovering the top podcasts in your industry that share your target audience.

Start pitching the right podcasts

Access listener numbers and contact info for any podcast.
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Get the most out of listener demographics

Podcast Popularity

How to See How Many Listeners a Podcast Has

If you're researching a particular podcast, or planning to pitch yourself as a guest, you probably want to know how many people are listening to it.
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Guesting on podcasts

How to Get Interviewed on Podcasts

These days it's an undisputed fact that podcast guest interviews are an excellent strategy for promoting your brand, product or expertise.
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How do I see how many listeners a podcast has?

The easiest way to see how many listeners a podcast has is to search Rephonic's podcast database for the specific show and view the number of listeners per month.

You can find the podcast you're looking for by searching for the title, publisher, episode or topic. Rephonic's database has listener numbers for over three million shows.

Why are podcast listener demographics important?

Whether you are a brand, business, agency or individual podcaster, one of the key metrics that you will use to decide whether a show is worth reaching out to is how many listeners a podcast has.

Perhaps more importantly, you want to get your message out to listeners who share your target audience demographics to increase the chances of converting them into loyal fans, subscribers, or paying customers.

How can you tell how many listeners a podcast has?

Rephonic is an independent source of podcast listener numbers for over three million shows. We base our figures on hundreds of publicly available data points that we gather about podcasts from all over the web.

Can I search for listener demographics for a specific podcast?

Yes! To see listener demographics for a particular show, use Rephonic's search tool. Search a keyword by title, episode, publisher or topic.