
Try Rephonic for Free

Podcasting is growing, fast. Get the info and contacts you need to pitch podcasts at scale and get the word out.
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Powering podcast research for these companies
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Customer Story

Your Expert Guest increased their client bookings by 50 percent

Rephonic is our secret weapon for time-saving podcast research. It saves my team and I hours of manual research every week and everything you need (and more) is in one place.

Having the estimated listeners per episode and the social media reach makes us look like rockstars to our clients and helps us easily vet the right shows.

Since we opened our Rephonic account, our client bookings have increased by over 50%. I'm a serious fangirl of this tool!

Julie Fry
Founder/CEO, Your Expert Guest
Julie Fry customer of Rephonic

Access listener numbers and contact info for any podcast

Finding and researching podcasts to get featured on is slow and time-consuming work. Rephonic gives you listener demographics and podcast information across more than three million podcasts.

Podcaster researching listener data on a computer.

Tap into the power of podcasting

Podcasts are fast becoming the best place to reach your audience. More than 40% of Americans aged 12+ now listen to podcasts every month.

Rephonic gives you the data and contacts you need to find the best podcasts and pitch guests or sponsorship deals.

Collection of podcast artwork.