Artwork for Qubit Podcast

Qubit Podcast


A podcastjai.

PublishesWeeklyEpisodes100Founded4 years ago
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Artwork for Qubit Podcast

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Már létezik tabletta, amivel helyre lehet állítani a mikrobiomot, de érdemes-e mindent egy gyógyszerrel elintézni? Schwab Richárd belgyógyász-gasztroenterológus a 8. Qubit Live közönségének kérdésére elmondta: nem. more

25 Aug 202430 min

Mit tanulhatunk a törzsi gyógyítóktól? Szabad-e otthon próbálkozni a ketogén diétával? Hogyan hat a kefir depresszió ellen? Ezekről is szót ejtettek meghívott szakértőink a mikrobiomot körbejáró 8. Qubit Live kerekasztal-beszélgetésén. more

24 Aug 202428 min

Miért keresnek új utakat az ADHD, a depresszió vagy az autizmus kezelésében, és hogyan kapcsolódik ehhez a mikrobiom? Ezekről is beszélt a Semmelweis Egyetem pszichiátriai klinikájának egykori és a Mind Klinika jelenlegi pszichiátere a 8. Qubit Live-... more

23 Aug 202419 min

A belgyógyász-gasztroenterológus és a Mind Klinika egyik alapítója a 8. Qubit Live-on kifejtette, milyen hatásai lehetnek szervezetünkre a füstmentes dohánytermékeknek, az alkoholnak, és hogyan befolyásolhatják életünket a bennük élő baktériumok. more

22 Aug 202422 min


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4.7 out of 5 stars from 158 ratings
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    Podcast Addict
    2 months ago
  • Nagyon jó!

    Podcast Addict
    2 years ago
  • Hiánypótló

    Mindenkinek ajánlani tudom. Köszi és hajrá, Qubit!

    Apple Podcasts
    Austria4 years ago

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#98 Belgium/Science
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#213 Netherlands/Science


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Frequently Asked Questions About Qubit Podcast

Where can I find podcast stats for Qubit Podcast?

Rephonic provides a wide range of data for three million podcasts so you can understand how popular each one is. See how many people listen to Qubit Podcast and access YouTube viewership numbers, download stats, chart rankings, ratings and more.

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How do I find the number of podcast views for Qubit Podcast?

There are two ways to find viewership numbers for podcasts on YouTube. First, you can search for the show on the channel and if it has an account, scroll through the videos to see how many views it gets per episode.

Rephonic also pulls the total number of views for each podcast we find a YouTube account for. You can access these figures by upgrading your account and looking at a show's social media section.

How do I find listening figures for Qubit Podcast?

Podcast streaming numbers or 'plays' are notoriously tricky to find. Fortunately, Rephonic provides estimated listener figures for Qubit Podcast and three million other podcasts in our database.

To check these stats and get a feel for the show's audience size, you'll need to upgrade your account.

How many subscribers does Qubit Podcast have?

To see how many followers or subscribers Qubit Podcast has, simply upgrade your account. You'll find a whole host of extra information to help you decide whether appearing as a sponsor or guest on this podcast is right for you or your business.

If it's not, use the search tool to find other podcasts with subscriber numbers that match what you're looking for.

How many listeners does Qubit Podcast get?

Rephonic provides a full set of podcast information for three million podcasts, including the number of listeners. You can see some of this data for free. But you will need to upgrade your account to access premium data.

How many episodes of Qubit Podcast are there?

Qubit Podcast launched 4 years ago and published 100 episodes to date. You can find more information about this podcast including rankings, audience demographics and engagement in our podcast database.

How do I contact Qubit Podcast?

Our systems regularly scour the web to find email addresses and social media links for this podcast. But in the unlikely event that you can't find what you're looking for, our concierge service lets you request our research team to source better contact information for you.

Where do you get podcast emails for Qubit Podcast from?

Our systems scan a variety of public sources including the podcast's official website, RSS feed, and email databases to provide you with a trustworthy source of podcast contact information. We also have our own research team on-hand to manually find email addresses if you can't find exactly what you're looking for.

Where does Rephonic collect Qubit Podcast reviews from?

Rephonic pulls reviews for Qubit Podcast from multiple sources, including Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Addict and more.

View all the reviews in one place instead of visiting each platform individually and use this information to decide whether this podcast is worth pitching as a guest or sponsor.

How does Rephonic know which podcasts are like Qubit Podcast?

You can view podcasts similar to Qubit Podcast by exploring Rephonic's 3D interactive graph. This tool uses the data displayed on the 'Listeners Also Subscribed To' section of Apple Podcasts to visualise connections between shows.