Artwork for 源頭講廢



八十後中年貓奴哥哥,帶你遊走世界橫街窄巷前欄後門,以不負責任態度閒聊國際間閒人閒事~ 飲食及煮食~ 流行與非流行文化~ 態度與高度~ 保懿與你源頭講癈~ ⏰每週更新 🔍IG: pretty_bowie_poon 🔍FB: 源頭講癈

PublishesDailyEpisodes15Founded2 months ago
Number of ListenersCategories
ComedyComedy Interviews

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Artwork for 源頭講廢

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大家對英國嘅經濟同埋國力有咩印象呢? 可能實際情況同大家嘅印象有好大出入~ 英國嘅經濟歷史係點? 咁又有咩特別之處? more

15 Sep 202442 min

今集源頭講廢有呀Don深情剖白移民後既感受, 所見到移民百態~

7 Sep 20241 hr 18 min

日本經濟近代史系列最後一集, 今集繼續由保懿同呀Don 同大家探討吓依30年嚟日本政府做過啲咩去振興經濟? 咁安倍晉三又扮演咗一個咩嘅角色呢?

31 Aug 20241 hr 3 min

成日聽人講日本當時泡沫好大, 究竟有幾大? 點解會咁大? 日本同其他地方嘅泡沫爆破又有咩唔同? 點解咁特別? more

25 Aug 202449 min

相信好多人都鍾意日本, 但係日本除咗流行文化同飲食文化精彩之外, 經濟歷史都一樣精彩~ more

17 Aug 202442 min

奧運點解係大型政治活動? 今屆奧運有咩花生? 今集源頭講癈由保懿同呀Don 同大家一齊體驗食花生既樂趣啦~

10 Aug 20241 hr 1 min

今集一於嚟個「百老匯電椅中心」復刻版, 保懿、 呀Don、 呀雞 繼續情感勒索大家, 同大家用「電椅」風格傾下 夜魔俠~

6 Aug 20241 hr 7 min

死侍與狼人大熱, 更被譽為漫威救星, 到底套戲有幾好睇? 有咩要識睇? 今集源頭講癈除咗有保懿、 呀Don之外, 仲請嚟「百老匯電椅中心」板主兼前主持~ 呀雞🐔同大家一齊講戲之餘, 仲同大家重拾當年睇「電椅」既感覺, 實行嚟一次情感勒索~

3 Aug 202450 min


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Where can I find podcast stats for 源頭講廢?

Rephonic provides a wide range of data for three million podcasts so you can understand how popular each one is. See how many people listen to 源頭講廢 and access YouTube viewership numbers, download stats, chart rankings, ratings and more.

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How do I find the number of podcast views for 源頭講廢?

There are two ways to find viewership numbers for podcasts on YouTube. First, you can search for the show on the channel and if it has an account, scroll through the videos to see how many views it gets per episode.

Rephonic also pulls the total number of views for each podcast we find a YouTube account for. You can access these figures by upgrading your account and looking at a show's social media section.

How do I find listening figures for 源頭講廢?

Podcast streaming numbers or 'plays' are notoriously tricky to find. Fortunately, Rephonic provides estimated listener figures for 源頭講廢 and three million other podcasts in our database.

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How many subscribers does 源頭講廢 have?

To see how many followers or subscribers 源頭講廢 has, simply upgrade your account. You'll find a whole host of extra information to help you decide whether appearing as a sponsor or guest on this podcast is right for you or your business.

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How many listeners does 源頭講廢 get?

Rephonic provides a full set of podcast information for three million podcasts, including the number of listeners. You can see some of this data for free. But you will need to upgrade your account to access premium data.

How many episodes of 源頭講廢 are there?

源頭講廢 launched 2 months ago and published 15 episodes to date. You can find more information about this podcast including rankings, audience demographics and engagement in our podcast database.

How do I contact 源頭講廢?

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Our systems scan a variety of public sources including the podcast's official website, RSS feed, and email databases to provide you with a trustworthy source of podcast contact information. We also have our own research team on-hand to manually find email addresses if you can't find exactly what you're looking for.

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Rephonic pulls reviews for 源頭講廢 from multiple sources, including Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Addict and more.

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How does Rephonic know which podcasts are like 源頭講廢?

You can view podcasts similar to 源頭講廢 by exploring Rephonic's 3D interactive graph. This tool uses the data displayed on the 'Listeners Also Subscribed To' section of Apple Podcasts to visualise connections between shows.