Artwork for Taghta

Sreath de phodcastan bho sgioba nan naidheachdan a’ toirt sgrìob tro na cuspairean as cudromaiche ‘sna naidheachdan an diugh. more

PublishesWeeklyEpisodes79Founded3 years ago
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Artwork for Taghta

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Tha Sgioba Eòrpa a' deasbad suidheachadh na Gàidhlig às dèidh do dh'àireamhan a' chunntais-shluaigh tighinn a-mach nas tràithe am-bliadhna.

29 Aug 202420 min

Darren Laing a' còmhradh ri Ailean Peutan is Iain MacDiarmaid is connspaid anns na Canàraich mu bhuaidh turasachd air an àite.

28 Jun 202429 min

Anndra MacFhionghain a’ bruidhinn ri Niall O’Gallagher agus Mìcheal MacNèill is cola-deug ann gu là an taghaidh.

20 Jun 202415 min

Anndra MacFhionghain a' bruidhinn ri Darren Linc agus Mìcheal MacNèill mun Taghadh 2024.

14 Jun 202422 min

Anndra MacFhionghain a' bruidhinn ri sgioba phoilitigeach BBC Naidheachdan is iomairt an taghaidh air tòiseachadh.

7 Jun 202420 min

San t-Sultain, theich còrr is 100,000 neach à Nagorno-Karabakh - cha mhòr a' falamhachadh na sgìre. Tha sgioba Eòrpa air a bhith a' bruidhinn ri cuid de na fògarraich sin gus na cunntasan pearsanta aca fhaighinn. Sa phodcast seo tha an sgioba a' brui... more

30 May 202431 min

Dòmhnall Moireasdan le sùil air cunntas-sluaigh 2022 is dealbh measgaichte airson na Gàidhlig.

29 May 202423 min

Eadar an 1970n agus na 1990n chaidh 30,000 duine a ghannrachadh le Hepatitis C agus HIV an dèidh dhaibh stuthan fala fhaighinn bhon NHS. Cho-dhùin rannsachadh poblach, a mhair sia bliadhna, gun deach am fàiligeadh uair an dèidh uair le dotairean, an ... more

23 May 202418 min


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#151 Singapore/Government
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#161 New Zealand/Government
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#180 South Korea/Government
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#222 Switzerland/Government


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How do I find the number of podcast views for Taghta?

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How do I find listening figures for Taghta?

Podcast streaming numbers or 'plays' are notoriously tricky to find. Fortunately, Rephonic provides estimated listener figures for Taghta and three million other podcasts in our database.

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How many subscribers does Taghta have?

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How many listeners does Taghta get?

Rephonic provides a full set of podcast information for three million podcasts, including the number of listeners. You can see some of this data for free. But you will need to upgrade your account to access premium data.

How many episodes of Taghta are there?

Taghta launched 3 years ago and published 79 episodes to date. You can find more information about this podcast including rankings, audience demographics and engagement in our podcast database.

How do I contact Taghta?

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Where do you get podcast emails for Taghta from?

Our systems scan a variety of public sources including the podcast's official website, RSS feed, and email databases to provide you with a trustworthy source of podcast contact information. We also have our own research team on-hand to manually find email addresses if you can't find exactly what you're looking for.

Where does Rephonic collect Taghta reviews from?

Rephonic pulls reviews for Taghta from multiple sources, including Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Addict and more.

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How does Rephonic know which podcasts are like Taghta?

You can view podcasts similar to Taghta by exploring Rephonic's 3D interactive graph. This tool uses the data displayed on the 'Listeners Also Subscribed To' section of Apple Podcasts to visualise connections between shows.