Artwork for 關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】



【歡迎來到✨負能量週記】 - 這是一個純聊天的頻道,我們是真心當作私底下在聊天,熱愛諧音梗、俗諺、互相吐槽、互相插話,如果你期待這是一個脫口秀或晚會節目,那可能必須慎選,但如果你只是單純想聽聽朋友聊天,或是不同的價值觀和想法,那歡迎加入負能量週記!語速本身過快,完全沒有任何加速,請專心聆聽(也不一定要這麼專心!) - 【固定上線時間】 每週一Podcast上線:0700各大平台上線 每週五小單元上線:0700各大平台上線 - 【負能量週記主持群 IG在這裡❤️】 關韶文:ethan_kuan_kuan 丘曄:choo_yeh 賴珮如:vinolai 美寶:ihua_chen 諾:liznono - 【這還有你不知道的關韶文!📣】 追蹤IG掌握限時動態 ‣ ethan_kuan_kuan 加入LINE可以私訊我們 ‣ 打開LINE搜尋「關韶文 關關」 YouTube收看影像版本,打開You... more

PublishesWeeklyEpisodes210Founded4 years ago
Number of ListenersCategories
ComedyTV & Film

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Artwork for 關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】

Latest Episodes

「畢業這麼多年了,走在自己喜歡的路上嗎?」 more

15 Sep 202447 min

【大大寬頻】光纖到府,在家飆網就是快! more

8 Sep 202448 min

「如果飛機可以飛出去,大家都想要飛!」 more

1 Sep 202447 min

「想要找到好工作,需要努力也需要運氣。」 more

25 Aug 202448 min


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4.8 out of 5 stars from 4.9k ratings
  • 敲碗貴賓室的故事,這系列希望可以一直聊,太好聽了


    Apple Podcasts
    Taiwan15 days ago
  • 好愛


    Apple Podcasts
    Taiwana month ago
  • 是好評

    好喜歡關關的諧音梗 超級好笑的

    Apple Podcasts
    Taiwana month ago
  • 越來越不耐聽

    以前天天都要聽很期待新集數上線, 但現在只有有興趣的才會聽一下, 對於節目覺得有點乏味了, 有機會的話希望可以再調整優化或許會好一點吧? 我覺得其他掛名主持人的, 根本很少出現不懂掛著主持人是什麼意思, 希望丘曄尊重其他人不要一直搶話, 至少讓人把話講完, 也不要不懂裝懂,這樣節目質感會變很差, 雖然妳好像很不想工作, 但工作的時候請拿出對工作的尊重, 針對每個主題做一下功課,儘量言之有物, 不是用搶話自以為幽默來刷存在感, 聲音真的有夠大聲語速又太快導致有點吵雜了。

    Apple Podcasts
    Taiwana month ago
  • 上錯了嗎


    Apple Podcasts
    Taiwana month ago

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There are two ways to find viewership numbers for podcasts on YouTube. First, you can search for the show on the channel and if it has an account, scroll through the videos to see how many views it gets per episode.

Rephonic also pulls the total number of views for each podcast we find a YouTube account for. You can access these figures by upgrading your account and looking at a show's social media section.

How do I find listening figures for 關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】?

Podcast streaming numbers or 'plays' are notoriously tricky to find. Fortunately, Rephonic provides estimated listener figures for 關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】 and three million other podcasts in our database.

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How many subscribers does 關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】 have?

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How many listeners does 關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】 get?

Rephonic provides a full set of podcast information for three million podcasts, including the number of listeners. You can see some of this data for free. But you will need to upgrade your account to access premium data.

How many episodes of 關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】 are there?

關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】 launched 4 years ago and published 210 episodes to date. You can find more information about this podcast including rankings, audience demographics and engagement in our podcast database.

How do I contact 關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】?

Our systems regularly scour the web to find email addresses and social media links for this podcast. But in the unlikely event that you can't find what you're looking for, our concierge service lets you request our research team to source better contact information for you.

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Our systems scan a variety of public sources including the podcast's official website, RSS feed, and email databases to provide you with a trustworthy source of podcast contact information. We also have our own research team on-hand to manually find email addresses if you can't find exactly what you're looking for.

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Rephonic pulls reviews for 關韶文關關x丘曄【負能量週記】 from multiple sources, including Apple Podcasts, Castbox, Podcast Addict and more.

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