
Grow your brand through podcast partnerships

Access the data and contacts you need to partner with the right podcasters, feature on their shows and get more customers.
Hosts connecting through podcast cross-promotion.

Why partner with podcasts?

Podcasts are growing in popularity and getting featured as a guest or sponsor is one of the best ways to reach a new audience.

Listeners trust the hosts of their favourite podcasts and are highly engaged so finding the right fit is essential. Rephonic provides all the data you need to find, qualify and pitch the best shows.

Podcast listener growth year on year.

How to partner with the right podcasts

Find shows in your niche

Use the search tool to find podcasts that cover the topics relevant to you. Use the advanced filters to find shows with the right number of listeners, gender skew and audience location.

If you've found the perfect podcast, see a list of related podcasts that share a similar audience.

Check their stats and social media

See how popular a show is by checking our database to see how they perform in the charts and how many followers they have on Instagram, Facebook, X, TikTok and more.

Explore their recent content using the social media links provided so you can mention it in your pitch.

Popular social network logos.

Choose a promotional medium

There are many ways to collaborate with podcasts so select the one that's right for you.

Types of podcast collaboration include sponsorships, guest appearances, cross-promotion and guest content. Each of these has pros and cons so do your research before settling for one.

Collection of podcast artwork.

Send an email pitch

Send personalised emails to your target podcasts quickly and easily. Rephonic provides contact information for over three million shows, including names and departments.

If you can't find the podcast emails you're looking for, our research team will source better contacts for you through our concierge service.

Keep track of pitches and responses

Stay on top of your outreach by tracking the shows you have reached out to and their replies.

Use Rephonic's notes tool to add bits of proprietary information that you may have learned directly from the host.

Notes for The Minimalists podcast on Rephonic.

Find partnership opportunities

Discovering the right shows to collaborate with will make or break your campaign. Rephonic provides everything you need to partner with the best podcasts.

Listener Data

Listener Numbers
Gender Skew
Audience Location

Podcast Information

Contact Info
Related Shows
Chart Rankings
Social Links

Pitch Planning Tools

Topic Search
Target Lists
Concierge Service

Start researching potential partners

Everything you need to partner with the right shows and grow your audience.
Try it free for 7 days

Everything you need for podcast outreach and research

Rephonic reveals valuable podcast data so you can pitch the right shows and maximize opportunities.

Guest Appearances

Discover relevant podcasts, reach out and get booked. Get your message out to the right listeners.

PR for Clients

Find podcast PR opportunities for your clients with our podcast media database. Get more bookings.


Grow your audience by researching the most relevant shows to partner with and cross-promote.


Advertise your business by discovering the top podcasts in your industry that share your target audience.

Get tips on how to research potential partners

Podcast contact info

Find Emails for Your Podcast Contact List

Streamline the process of finding emails for your podcast contact list. Use Rephonic's directory to find podcast emails, social contact info and more.
Read more
A podcast influencer

How to Find a Podcast Influencer

The phenomenal rise of podcasting means that businesses are lining up to run ad campaigns on podcasts. But how do you find the right podcast influencer?
Read more


What is a podcast partnership?

A podcast partnership is any form of collaboration between podcasts and brands, individuals or other podcasts. The partnership is mutually beneficial, usually increasing listeners numbers, brand awareness or customers. Partnerships can involve the exchange of money or be a more informal 'swap'.

How do I find podcasts to partner with?

First, it's necessary to identify your target audience. Once you have a good understanding of who you're trying to get in front of, use the search tool on Rephonic to find podcasts that cover topics relevant to you and then use the advanced filters to narrow down the results by listener numbers, audience location, gender skew and more. Reach out to the best shows using the podcast emails provided.

Should my business partner with podcasts?

Podcasts are growing in popularity and getting featured is an effective way to get your brand in front of your target audience who haven't heard about you before. Podcast listeners trust their hosts so they're open to hearing guests and sponsors who have something valuable to offer.

Can podcasts partner with other podcasts?

This is commonly known as podcast cross-promotion and is a great way to grow your audience for free. You will need to have a good understanding of your target audience before searching for potential partners.