How to Use AI to Write Podcast Show Notes

Let's talk podcast show notes.

Now, hold the groans! We all know that high-quality show notes are essential in podcast marketing. But they do take so much time to get right—especially if you're a solo act.

That's why many podcasters are thrilled about the rise of AI podcast show notes. Now, we get to pour more energy into recording high-quality content and fostering relationships while safely leaving the mundane but essential tasks like show notes to artificial intelligence.

What are podcast show notes?

Podcast show notes are episode summaries. They can be a valuable resource for listeners and, done well, encourage listeners to give your podcast a try.

At a minimum, podcast show notes include the topics discussed, i.e., the main points and highlights in podcast episodes. They mention the names of any guests and include links to their websites.

However, truly effective show notes are far more than a quick summary of your podcast episode. They include:

  • Timestamps to make it easy for listeners to find particular points in the episode
  • Key quotes and key takeaways from the episode
  • Links to additional resources and information to enhance the listeners' experience
  • Previous episodes mentioned in the episode
  • Social media links
  • Keywords to promote the podcast and boost SEO

Some podcasters go all out and follow the show notes with a full transcript of the episode.

These show notes become a valuable resource with two purposes:

  1. They're convenient references for your podcast audience after listening to the podcast episode.
  2. They attract new listeners with an enticing summary and the promise of intriguing content.

But of course, creating high-quality content like show notes, a Facebook or LinkedIn post, a tweet or a blog post, takes time and energy that many creators simply don't have. That's why AI podcast show notes can be such a gift to anyone involved in podcast production.

Benefits of using AI for podcast show notes

AI-generated podcast show notes...

  • Save time, giving you more to spend on leisure, networking, family and friends, podcast content, business strategy and so many more things that need your attention.
  • Are accurate - it's all too easy to make mistakes when you're writing those show notes late into the night the day you recorded—or when you're trying to remember exactly what was said a day later.
  • Come in an easy-to-read format that presents your podcast in its best light to potential listeners.
  • Add links. Savvy podcast hosts often mention previous episodes or resources and say "I'll put links in the show notes". AI ensures that actually happens.
  • Have a consistent style—so useful if you have multiple people working on the podcast.
  • Have searchability—let artificial intelligence do the keyword research for you so your podcast has the best chance of ranking in search engines.
  • Enhance accessibility—a vital issue as the internet strives to become an easily-used resource for all users. AI podcast show notes can help people with hearing challenges to access the vital information in your content, especially if you include a transcript.

List of AI tools for podcast show notes

There seem to be more and more AI-powered tools available every week, including many that specialize in written content like podcast show notes.

Indeed, many AI tools do far more than generate show notes.

Castmagic: Castmagic repurposes your audio content by turning it into transcripts, summaries, social posts for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. and—of course—show notes.

Swell AI: Swell AI helps build content pipelines through show notes, articles and social media. Integrates with Dropbox, Google Drive, RSS and more.

Capsho: Capsho generates podcaster marketing from copy audio or videos, including show notes, LinkedIn articles, blog posts, episode summaries and descriptions for your website and more.

Easy-Peasy AI: Easy-Peasy AI has templates for many types of written content including podcast show notes. Get started with a free account.

Podium: Podium writes AI-generated show notes and segments your episode into chapters ready for adding to Spotify and YouTube.

How to write podcast show notes with AI

The process of generating AI podcast show notes varies depending on the tool you choose. Here's a step-by-step guide to how to create them with Castmagic. The great news is they let you try their tool for free.

1. Upload your audio file

Navigate to the upload section on the Castmagic dashboard. Select your podcast episode's audio file, ensuring it's in an acceptable format (MP3). Make sure your audio file is clear and of good quality to ensure the best results.

2. Label speakers for accurate results

Once your audio file is uploaded, you'll be given the option to label the speakers. This is an important step as it enhances the accuracy of your transcription and helps the AI better distinguish who says what.

3. Generate AI content:

After labeling your speakers, Castmagic will then use its advanced AI to start generating your show notes and content assets (newsletters, tweet threads, keywords, episode introductions, Q&A, blog posts, and more).

4. Ask Magic Chat for custom content

Need something more? Castmagic’s Magic Chat, similar to ChatGPT but specifically tailored for your podcast, can help you out. With it, you can ask the AI for custom content based on your podcast episode. From generating catchy episode introductions to crafting engaging social media posts, Magic Chat can do it all.

Final thoughts

Using AI to generate show notes and other podcasting tasks that can be easily automated will save time and a whole lot of effort. In most cases, it's as easy as upload-and-click.

As AI technology continues to advance, AI podcast show notes will become mainstream so why not get a head start on the rest and be an early adopter?

With those tasks out of the way, spend some of that precious time using Rephonic to find cross-promotion opportunities and grow your podcast even further.

Get started with Rephonic for free.