Better Podcast Episode Search: Find Episodes With Rephonic

Rephonic features a way to set up email alerts to monitor episodes for certain keyword mentions, but up until today there was no way to search episodes directly as you can for podcasts.

You could type your search query into Apple Podcasts — or one of the many podcast search engines that exist — and get pretty decent results. But the hits tend to be ordered in a seemingly random way and it's often difficult to dig through the noise to find a good match.

How to search podcast episodes

Rephonic fixes this with better podcast data. Not only can you find specific episodes using the search tool, we also bubble up the most interesting results bases on audience numbers, social reach and many other metrics.

The new podcast episode search gives you advanced filters and search operators that open up all kinds of new possibilities.

For example: show me the most recent episodes about "fintech" with more than 5000 listeners with an audience primarily located in the UK:

Searching episodes using advanced filters.

Estimated podcast listener numbers

Save time and see which episodes are most relevant at a glance.

We provide with with a way to tell how many downloads a podcast has ("Listeners") for each episode, total followers and subscriber count across every social channel ("Social Reach") and the Apple Podcasts categories that it's listed in.

A promising looking episode result for "digital marketing"

Search operators

You may be familiar with advanced search operators available in Google and other search engines. Now you can apply them to podcast episodes.

Either terms can match: real OR estate
Both terms must match: real AND estate
Exact phrase: "real estate"
Don't match: -investing

The latest episodes about climate change, on shows with 5k-50k estimated listeners per episode, excluding those that mention 'farming'.

Try it out: Search for podcast episodes about "marketing"

How to search for a specific podcast episode

If you're searching for a specific podcast episode rather than episodes that cover a specific topic, you can enter the name of the episode in the search bar and it will pop up with a link to listen.