
Drive growth through podcast influencer marketing

Everything you need to find and qualify podcast influencers and promote your products or services.
Podcast guest getting more followers and customers.

What is podcast influencer marketing?

Just like Instagram or TikTok creators, you can work with podcast hosts who have the power to influence buying habits and promote your brand to their audience.

Listeners trust the hosts of their favourite podcasts. They're open to hearing ads and can be 7x more likely to convert than standard web leads, but only if you're smart about which influencers you work with.

Growing your customer base through podcast appearances.

How to leverage podcast influencers for growth

Find the right podcasters

Use Rephonic's search tool to find influential podcasts that cover the topics relevant to you. Use the advanced filters to find shows with high audience engagement rates and the right number of listeners.

If you've found the ideal podcast, see a list of related shows that share a similar audience.

Check their stats and social media

See how popular an influencer's podcast is by checking our database to see how they perform in the charts and how many followers they have on Instagram, TikTok, X, YouTube and more.

Explore their recent content using the social media links provided so you can mention it in your outreach email.

Popular social network logos.

Get podcast contact information

Rephonic provides contact information for over three million shows, often including names and departments.

If you can't find the podcast emails you're looking for, our team of researchers will source better contacts for you through our concierge service.

Speed up your outreach with the pitch editor

Rephonic makes pitch craft effortless. Choose from a range of winning templates or add your own and customize it for each podcast.

Templates can be used by your whole team to boost efficiency. Send well-crafted pitches from your own email account or CRM in a couple of clicks.

Pitching wizard

Keep track of prospects with the pipeline manager

Stay on top of your pitching workflow by updating the pipeline stage for each podcast in your campaign.

Collaborate with your team on the same pipeline and keep everyone in the loop.

Pipeline manager

Find influencer marketing opportunities

Discovering the right podcasts to partner with will make or break your campaign. Rephonic provides everything you need to pitch the best shows.

Listener Data

Listener Numbers
Gender Skew
Audience Location

Podcast Information

Contact Info
Related Shows
Chart Rankings
Social Links

Pitch Planning Tools

Topic Search
Target Lists
Concierge Service

Start leveraging podcast influencers

Access listener numbers and contact info for any podcast.
Try it free for 7 days

Everything you need for podcast outreach and research

Rephonic reveals valuable podcast data so you can pitch the right shows and maximize opportunities.

Guest Appearances

Discover relevant podcasts, reach out and get booked. Get your message out to the right listeners.

PR for Clients

Find podcast PR opportunities for your clients with our podcast media database. Get more bookings.


Grow your audience by researching the most relevant shows to partner with and cross-promote.


Advertise your business by discovering the top podcasts in your industry that share your target audience.

Get tips on podcast influencer marketing

Podcast return on investment of sponsorship

How to Sponsor Podcasts: The Ultimate Guide

Most podcasts offer several different options for advertisers. These include pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll, sponsored segments and becoming a brand ambassador.
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A podcast influencer

How to Find a Podcast Influencer

The phenomenal rise of podcasting means that businesses are lining up to run ad campaigns on podcasts. But how do you find the right podcast influencer?
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How do I develop a podcast influencer marketing strategy?

Developing a podcast influencer strategy is easy thanks to Rephonic's search and qualifying tool. Search our database to discover shows that cover the topics you're interested in and once you've decided whether you want to work with micro-influencers or dominant ones, filter the results by the number of listeners.

Ensure the other audience demographics are a fit before reaching out. The only thing you have to worry about is drafting a great pitch.

Is podcast influencer marketing effective?

Podcast influencer marketing is a powerful way to get your message out to your target audience via respected and authoritative figures in your niche.

Podcast listeners have over four times better brand recall than from other popular forms of digital advertising and over half of listeners are somewhat or much more likely to buy from brands that advertise via podcasts.